filter gutenberg
emulsion 2.1.6
head Delete Filter excerpt_allowed_blocks Core supports…
emulsion 2.1.4
Fixed an issue where the theme did not work in WordPres…
emulsion 2.1.3
FULL SITE EDITOR THEME Fixed to prevent the Theme wrong…
emulsion 2.2.0
Child Theme support WordPress 5.9 compatibility check M…
wordPress 5.9 with emulsion Theme
WordPress 5.9では、カスタマイザーはわき役に回り、新しいエディタ(サイトエディタ)が主役に躍り出ま…
emulsion 2.1.9
5.8.3 ヘッダーの切り替え関数 emulsion_block_template_part( $part )…