Meeting notes Tuesday 12 May 2020 – Make WordPress Themes
本日、Theme Review Teamから、特別な知らせが届きましたので、既に更新を停止しているページではありますが、大きな変更なので追記します。
- Theme Review Team は、チーム名の変更を Themes Team に変更することを表明しました。
- テーマの妥当性検証に推奨していた、プラグインWPTRT/theme-snifferを、プラグインディレクトリから削除しました。
Changes in Theme Review Process – Theme Review Team — WordPress
Editor Experience Survey Results – Make WordPress Core
WordPress forum 英語サイト リニューアル
テーマディレクトリ featured テーマの表示件数 15件に戻る 実験だったのかも、
テーマディレクトリ featured テーマの表示件数 15件から 24件へ
テーマ タグの変更
公式テーマ、レビューチケットのdescription の日本語化始まる。
Prefixing is not recommended for theme-mod names
otto42 [4:44 AM]
If you do happen to have a special and unusual case where you really need to read in a local file and there is no other way to do it, well, theme-check does not block `implode()` or `file()`.
$string= implode( '', file( 'example.txt' ) );
Maximum allowed file size: 25MB
a few small changes in the algorithm are being tested
User meta
User meta is handled the same way as post meta. Presentational meta (e.g., layout, colors, etc.) is allowed. Non-presentational (e.g., social links, profile image) is not allowed.
Basically, it all comes down to one of our top guidelines: The difference between generating and presenting content. WP itself and plugins are for generating content. Themes are for presenting content.
人気テーマのランキングが、週間ダウンロード数から Active Installs に変更になりました。
2 or 3 weeks ago some admins were ok with some social sharing links. just to be sure, is something like this allowed:
<a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=' . esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '">icon></a>
@superwinner: yes, that should be ok
when you’re doing more than that (sharing links) – like loading 3rd party JS, then it becomes plugin territory
this should be acceptable.
- CC0 – This is equivalent to a public domain declaration, essentially, compatible with everything, and we have always allowed it.
- CC-BY 4.0 – Compatible with any version of the GPL.
- CC-BY-SA 4.0 – Compatible with the GPLv3 only.
- Previous versions of CC licenses (like 3.0) – not compatible.
- Any CC license containing “NC” or “ND” terms – not compatible.
Plugin authors can now check for theme support and have a few new filters available that will allow them to change or replace the title in a reliable way:
- ‘pre_get_document_title’ short-circuits wp_get_document_title() if it returns anything other than an empty value.
- ‘document_title_separator’ filters the separator between title parts.
- ‘document_title_parts’ filters the parts that make up the document title, passed in an associative array.
- No shortcodes in HTML tags attributes.
- No HTML in shortcodes attributes.
superwinner [4:18 PM]
shouldn’t all themes using options frameworks convert to customizer? there was a grace period, 6 months, which ended in September… is that true?
jcastaneda [4:18 PM]
Oct/21 I believe
Automation here we come!
As a step towards automation we are going to approve all updates at least once a week.
If you guys have any questions, please don’t hesitate to post below!
Am I allowed to compress my css file on my theme for theme review?
there is no rule against compressed css, but it is advisable to include the uncompressed version for users. Compression makes things hard to modify, and the GPL is big on modification.
Changes to fields output by comment_form in WordPress 4.4
https://make.wordpress.org/themes/2015/09/17/theme-submission-review-approval-update-report-workflow/(b:Theme Submission, Review, Approval, Update, Report Workflow)
黒線 既存、赤線 自動アップデート
一週間ほど前から、自動アップデートが、twenty sixteen で始まる。
Twenty Sixteen nightly builds are automatically approved.
Please file any issues on https://github.com/WordPress/twentysixteen
Responsive Image Support for Core

- juanjavier1979 [7:01 AM]
- It’s listed as: _Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license_
- juanjavier1979 [7:01 AM]
- So I think it’s allowed
- emiluzelac [7:04 AM]
- So far we had only CC0 as compatible, Otto mentioned 4.0, but I am not sure how did we end up.
- otto42 [7:04 AM]
- CC-BY is allowed as it is compatible
- emiluzelac [7:05 AM]
- There you go, thanks!
- otto42 [7:05 AM]
- NonCommercial is not compatible, and not allowed
- tomusborne [4:21 AM]
- I’m all for keeping plugin territory functions out of themes, but I don’t really see why the widget_text filter is considered plugin territory? Can anyone explain? :simple_smile:add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’); to be more specific
- otto42 [4:26 AM]
- Because enabling shortcodes in widgets is not something a theme should be doing. Themes are for changing the way your site looks. Enabling shortcodes isn’t part of that.
- tomusborne [4:28 AM]
- Interesting, I would have thought that enabling shortcodes in the theme’s widgets would have fallen under theme presentation. Hopefully a lot of plugins do this so I don’t end up with a bunch of angry theme users complaining that shortcodes are broken in the widgets when they update. Thanks for clarifying
2015/5/11 には、容認されたように見えたんですが、これでバッサリ
- rabmalin [1:58 AM]
- About text domain is `_` not allowed? I thought `-` and `_` was allowed in place of space. I guess I need to read Guideline few more times:sweat:
- …
- chipbennett [2:18 AM]
- @rabmalin: when referring specifically to `textdomain`, the Theme must use _exactly_ the theme slug (which you can verify, by looking at the SVN link for the Theme), because of core reasons. So, for a Theme named _Say It Ain’t So_, the slug will be, exactly, `say-it-aint-so`.
nishasingh [1:37 PM] ohh, Please check this ticket
nishasingh [1:37 PM]author used japanese text for code commentnishasingh [1:38 PM]Is this correct?benlumia007 [1:39 PM]checkingbenlumia007 [1:42 PM]@nishasingh: I don’t see any problems having comments in another language, you might want to double check with the admins tho. (edited)nishasingh [1:43 PM]ok, Thanks @benlumia007benlumia007 [1:43 PM]i would say is recommended in englishnishasingh [1:44 PM]Yes, english facing text will comfortable for all userbenlumia007 [1:44 PM]yeskevinhaig [1:45 PM]@poena you there?poena [1:46 PM]hikevinhaig [1:46 PM]can you help with ^^…
poena [1:46 PM]not an admin but I think it is allowed. < – was for japanese (edited)kevinhaig [1:47 PM]OK
コメントには、日本語を使ってもいい みたいな
otto42 [5:34 AM]
BTW, this is incorrect:`'default' => get_theme_mod( 'body_color', '#ffffff' ), // change the default to the correct color`otto42 [5:34 AM]
The default should be a default, not the current value
The second item on the agenda was a discussion of allowable content creation for Themes, per the presentation-vs-functionality requirement. Based on that discussion, the following types of content creation are allowable for Themes, as they represent trivial user content:
- Site footer text
- Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons/widgets
- One-off descriptive content blocks (about us/profile/etc.)
- Custom presentation of existing user data, with trivial content additions such as a widget/content block with a static page link, custom icon, custom title/description)
- サイトのフッターテキスト、
- ランディングページへのリンクボタン・ウィジェット
- アバウト アス / プロファイル 等の ちょっとした コンテンツブロック
- ユーザーデータに基づく独自表現 些細なコンテンツの追加 ウィジェットやブロックへのリンクやアイコン
No consensus was reached regarding repeatable-field content (testimonials, services, team members, etc.). We will have a follow-up blog post to discuss this type of content specifically.
実際のテーマの例では、Zerif Liteを参照するとがわかりやすいと思う。
irenem [3:55 AM]
Is a theme allowed to call do_shortcode?
grapplerulrich [3:57 AM]
Yes ^
jcastaneda [4:03 AM]
it just can’t `add_shortcode`
greenshady [4:06 AM]
Yes, can call `do_shortcode()` but many times they really shouldn’t. This is a good example: `do_shortcode( $some_content );` This is a bad example `do_shortcode( ‘[some-shortcode]’ );`. The second example is “bad” because what’s the point of using the shortcode? Just call the function directly.
greenshady [4:08 AM]
Instead of `do_shortcode( ‘[some_shortcode]’ );` call `some_shortcode_function()` instead. No need for all the shortcode parsing. (edited)
一時期 do_shortcodeは、プラグインテリトリとされていました。しかし、現時点では、容認されるようになったようです。
add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode' );
Plugin territory:
add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);
Setting live based on diff.
On next update, remove:
add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);
This is plugin territory.
chipbennett [6:14 AM]
@sam, no: `singular.php` would be the fallback for both `single.php` and `page.php`
修正方法は、これらの関数の返り値をエスケープすることです。ページにURLとして出力する場合は esc_url() で、リダイレクトする場合などHTTPヘッダに含める場合は esc_url_raw() を使用します。例外はありません。
ところで、esc_url() と、esc_url_raw()の違いは何か
wp_kses_normalize_entities()で、& を &に置換&を&に ’ を'に置換する。esc_url_raw()は、この置換置換の工程が省かれる データベースにURLを保存するような場合に使う。
echo ''. __( 'WordPress ', 'iograficathemes' ) .get_queried_object()->name. '
';iografica [1:49 AM]
is correct in this way?iografica [1:50 AM]
it is a custom taxonomy
@iografica: No, that’s incorrect. You should be using
single_term_title(), single_cat_title(), or single_tag_title(),depending on which taxonomy it is.
greenshady [1:53 AM]
It’s not “technically” incorrect, but you should always use the most appropriate function for the job.
私見ですが、ヘッダーの wp_generator() 等をエンドユーザーが非表示に設定したりする事は、よくある事で、そのこと自体がよくないという意味ではなく、
テーマ制作の過程で、このような処理をしてしまうと、エンドユーザーが存在するはずのフックに対して何かしようとした時に、出来なくなってしまう等の事態が容易に考えられるため、テーマでは、調整や削除をしないほうが、エンドユーザーを困惑させずに済む という事だろうと考えています。
Removing or modifying non-presentational core hooks. Found in init.php file.
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');
Please remove following block from functions.php
function remove_header_info() { remove_action('wp_head', 'rsd_link'); remove_action('wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link'); remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator'); remove_action('wp_head', 'start_post_rel_link'); remove_action('wp_head', 'index_rel_link'); remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link');// for WordPress < 3.0 remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head'); // for WordPress >= 3.0 } add_action('init', 'remove_header_info');Removing or modifying non-presentational core hooks falls under plugin territory.
Shouldn’t include admin/feature pointers.
$html = '<h1>hello world hello world hello world hello world </h1>'; $html .= '<h1>hello world hello world hello world hello world </h1>'; $esc_html = esc_html( $html ); $textarea_html = esc_textarea( $html ); printf( '<div><textarea style="width:640px;height:100px;">%1$s</textarea></div>', $esc_html ); printf( '<div><textarea style="width:640px;height:100px;">%1$s</textarea></div>', $textarea_html );
The wp_filter_nohtml_kses(), wp_strip_all_tags(), or equivalent function must be used to sanitize the data before it’s saved into the database.
The edit_theme_options capability is required (like all theme options).
kevinhaig [3:26 AM] @greenshady I know your post says otherwise but is wp_kses_post() adequate sanitization for css boxes, given we accept for textarea boxes? superwinner [3:31 AM] can you sanitize css with kses :simple_smile:? jcastaneda [3:35 AM] Jetpack uses `wp_kses_split` for it. kevinhaig [3:35 AM] well I think it is an issue of whether it is secure doing it that way kevinhaig [3:36 AM] @greenshady: recommends `wp_filter_nohtml_kses()` or `wp_strip_all_tags()` kevinhaig [3:37 AM] but many authors push their textareas through wp_kses_post() kevinhaig [3:39 AM] I realize wp_kses_post() is good for html allowed textarea boxes. So really what is the difference in a css box....end use?
- https://make.wordpress.org/themes/2014/12/02/theme-review-team-weekly-notes-this-week-we/#comments(Comments_template is required.New clarification
Comments.php will remain not required.)
*reduxframework は、使っちゃいけません
*Post Format Metaboxの禁止
Post Format Metaboxは、投稿フォーマットに付加的なフィールドを追加するもので、従来認められていたようですが、最近明確に禁止され始めている模様
理由は、presentation vs functionality で、テーマを変更した場合に、付加情報が失われてしまうため テーマ特有の付加機能は認めないという従来の基本的な方針(例えば、カスタム投稿タイプや、ページにカテゴリを追加するといった機能、投稿本文で使用するショートコード)が、Post Format Metaboxに対しても適用されることになった
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 19:08:05 +0530
From: Akhlesh Nagar <akhlesh.nagar04@gmail.com>
To: theme-reviewers@lists.
wordpress.org Subject: [theme-reviewers] Use home_url instead of get_bloginfo(?url?)
vM2J34vF87FUs64h5nGMKPTingkPyV +khOVqMsg@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”utf-8″
I am reviewing a theme .
I want to know the Reason why it is necessary to use home_url instead of
get_bloginfo(?url?) .
(While both give same output).
Kindly explain reason .
- –
Thank’s and Regard’s*
Akhlesh Nagar*
- next part ————–
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- Unit Test
Message: 6
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:23:55 -0500
From: Emil Uzelac <emil@uzelac.me>
To: “Discussion list for WordPress theme reviewers.”
wordpress.org> Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Theme Unit Tests on GitHub?
qnSAjypq6Yo9_kVKZW8LO2d5u=KtZE TLA@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”utf-8″
Awesome and thanks. So guys should we push over to TRT GH or?
On Thursday, October 16, 2014, Lance Willett <nanobar@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here’s the checklist for preparing a new XML file, next time you need to
> do it.
> Often when I get the new XML file from
> http://wpthemetestdata.
wordpress.com/ it needs a bit of massaging > before commit to our pub repo.
> Here?s the process
> 1. WPTRT admins make changes to the test site on WP.com.
> 2. Go to http://wpthemetestdata.
wordpress.com/ and export the full XML > file, and open it locally in a text editor.
> 3. Clean it up.
> 4. Diff it with the previous version to be sure of no weird changes or
> additions, other than the expected ones.
> 5. Push to GitHub.
> 6. Go to http://codex.wordpress.org/
Theme_Unit_Test, edit the page, > change the UTC timestamp to ?now? to show the most current update
> timestamp. **You can stop doing this probably since GitHub will have a
> history going forward.**
> Notes for the XML clean up, step 3.
> Remove the following metadata elements that are specific to WP.com.
> superawesome
> _edit_last
> email_notification
> _searchme
> jabber_published
> geo_public
> _elasticsearch_indexed_on
> I look for these patterns using a text editor like TextMate or Sublime
> Text, with regex search turned on:
> 1. https://gist.github.com/
lancewillett/ a7c849026e2e403399a0 > 2. https://gist.github.com/
lancewillett/ 127085c444ec6ff398d1 >
> Then search/replace with an empty string to remove from the XML file.
> It’s not end of the world if they make it into the Unit Test XML file,
> but it’s just clutter.
> ? Lance
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Lance Willett <nanobar@gmail.com
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > The history of the file changes is public, it’s part of our WP.com
> > public themes SVN repo.
> >
> > You can see the history by doing something like:
> > svn log
> https://wpcom-themes.svn.
automattic.com/demo/theme- unit-test-data.xml > >
> > I’m totally happy for the file to move to GitHub. If WPTRT has an
> > account and you’d like to maintain it going forward?please just grab
> > the latest copy and start from there; I don’t need to do anything
> > further.
> >
> > Then edit the Codex page at http://codex.wordpress.org/
Theme_Unit_Test > > to point to the GitHub repo instead of the SVN repo.
> >
> > Done. 🙂
> >
> > ? Lance
> ______________________________
_________________ > theme-reviewers mailing list
> theme-reviewers@lists.
wordpress.org <javascript:;> > http://lists.wordpress.org/
mailman/listinfo/theme- reviewers >
- next part ————–
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Subject: Digest Footer
_________________ theme-reviewers mailing list
2014/9/18 アクセシビリティガイドライン改定
1. CSS validation in parent themes (Stephen Harrington)
2. Re: CSS validation in parent themes (Justin Tadlock)
I am curious about the protocol we are supposed to follow when reviewing
child themes and there are validation errors in the parent theme. Thanks.
I wouldn’t be too concerned about CSS/HTML validation errors unless it’s a
critical thing like a missing “ or something like that.
2. Re: CSS validation in parent themes (Chip Bennett)
HTML/CSS validation isn’t even something that I’ve included in Theme
reviews in a very long time.
Stephen Harrington
Good to know. I have been checking because it is still listed in the
documentation but I will skip that from here on out. Thanks.
Unit Test 更新
Grab your copy from http://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Unit_Test
iTunes link removal
The official music video of “Rise Up” from Eddy’s
Uproar! EP”Start AnUproar! EP.
Replacement video
Span removal
Added several emptyto make the table full width and removal of
special characters in title, not really needed there:
Post format unicorn and danger image replaced with public domain image:
- next part ————–
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Hello everyone! This is my first time reviewing a theme here, so I have a question... On the theme I'm reviewing I have a ticket where the theme author is using hybrid as a base for his own theme. Hybrid however uses shortcodes since it was published when these were allowed (at least I think so). Do we allow shortcodes to themes that are based on frameworks already published on .org?
Shortcodes intended to be used in post content (i.e. shortcodes added to the post editor) are not allowed, ever. Shortcodes used elsewhere (such as for configuring the site footer, which IIRC is how Hybrid uses shortcodes) is fine. The determining factor is the intended use of the shortcodes, as defined by the Theme.
2014 / 6 /14
Message: 4
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 00:55:33 +0600
From: Imon Themes
To: theme-reviewers@lists.wordpress.org
Subject: [theme-reviewers] Featured theme
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”utf-8″
How WordPress admin select featured theme ?
1) randomly ?
2) which themes are like by WordPress admin ?
3) toss the themes name 🙂
Imon Themes
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Message: 7
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 14:53:51 -0500
From: Emil Uzelac
To: “Discussion list for WordPress theme reviewers.”
Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Featured theme
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”utf-8″There is no link and there are no guidelines.In the future Themes will be selected by the system and in a random order.
Till then, we will feature what looks interesting and probably switch them
every 15-30 days
depending on the free time we have.
We went over this like month ago and there we are again 🙂
P.S. For every question there is an answer right here:
*jQuery Masonry
Important information for anyone using core-bundled jQuery Masonry, regarding changes to the masonry version as well as the registered handle for the core-bundled script:
The new script handle is ‘masonry’. The old ‘jquery-masonry’ handle is the official shiv that sits on top of the v3 library. While v3 no longer depends on jQuery, a theme or plugin may have bee
n implicitly loading jQuery though Masonry, rather than additionally declaring it as a dependency for themselves. Thus, the shiv is separate.
Themes should switch to ‘masonry’ and declare jQuery as a dependency on their own if they need it. Upgrade guide: http://masonry.desandro.com/appendix.html#upgrading-from-v2. imagesLoaded remai
ns included with Masonry here.
http://lists.wordpress.org/pipermail/theme-reviewers/attachments/20140225/9575e299/attachment-0001.html(b:theme-reviewers Digest, Vol 45, Issue 83)
WordPress3.9 ガイドライン情報
http://make.wordpress.org/themes/2014/02/07/wordpress-3-9-guidelines-revisions-proposal/#comment-33897(b:WordPress 3.9 Guidelines Revisions Proposal)
- screenshot.pngのサイズが、600×450から、880x660pxに変更になりました。
- 以下のタグが追加になりました
- fixed-layout
- fluid-layout
- responsive-layout
- accessibility-ready
- http://make.wordpress.org/themes/2013/11/12/theme-unit-tests-recommended/#comments(b:Theme Unit Tests: Recommended)
- Theme_Unit_Test
Themes are required to prefix all options, custom functions, custom variables, and custom constants with theme-slug (or appropriate variant).
Message: 3
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2013 01:24:26 +0530
From: Rohit Tripathi
To: Theme Review Team
Subject: [theme-reviewers] Sanitizing OutputHello.
I am using Options Framework with my theme. I have properly sanitized all input using all the necessary functions including wp_kses.
Is it neccessary to sanitize it on the output?
Message: 6
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2013 16:18:09 -0400
From: Chip Bennett
To: “Discussion list for WordPress theme reviewers.”
Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Sanitizing OutputThe general rule is: sanitize on input, escape on output.
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 15:35:31 -0500
From: Justin Tadlock
To: theme-reviewers@lists.wordpress.org
Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Sanitizing OutputI was just about to say the same thing. If you need a good example of
how to sanitize this based on the `unfiltered_html` cap, check out the
WordPress text widget in `wp-includes/default-widgets.php`.
具体的な、ガイドラインは、http://make.wordpress.org/(b:Make WordPress)に移行しました。
Note: This is an evolving living document and subject to change and addition at any time as the WordPress Theme Review Team continues to develop and outline standards and practices for WordPress Theme development and design.
- Headings
- Heading markup must NOT be used for presentational purposes.
- Link_Text
- Links MUST avoid repetitive non-contextual text strings such as ‘read more…’ and should also also make sense when taken out of context.
- Keyboard_Navigation
- Contrasts
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 for color luminosity.
- Skip Links
- Forms
- Tools
- Not Allowed
- Correct Spelling of WordPress
WordPress3.51 (?)
Theme Namespacing
- Themes are
to use
(or a reasonable facsimile) as textdomain for translation- Themes are
to use a unique slug as a prefix for anything in the public namespace, including all custom function names, classes, hooks, public/global variables, database entries (Theme options, post custom metadata, etc.)
- Themes are
to use
as this unique slug
- http://tenman.info/labo/snip/?p=2518(ユニットテストデータの変更)
- http://make.wordpress.org/themes/2012/12/14/query_posts/(query_postはテーマチェックに引っかかるようになりました)
The exact use-case that query_posts() was designed for: using a custom page template as an archive of posts:
Just call query_posts() at the very beginning and pretend it’s an arhive. query_posts() takes care of completely replacing the main query and the effect is limited to that custom page template.
You don’t have to do any workarounds for conditional flags or for pagination.
- http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tenman/20121210/p1(WordPress 3.5 ミショニポー)
- http://tenman.info/labo/snip/?p=1741(title)
WordPress 3.4
Functions added in WordPress 3.4
Dear #WordPress Theme developers, time to discuss #WPTRT Theme Review Guidelines revisions for the 3.4 release: bit.ly/Jbu9qP
— Chip Bennettさん (@chip_bennett) 5月 8, 2012
http://make.wordpress.org/themes/2012/05/08/proposed-wordpress-3-4-guidelines-revisions/(b:WordPress guidlines)
WordPress 3.3
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tenman/20120329/p1(b:テーマフレームワーク ネームスペース)
Priority #1: Currently Approved Themes
Priority #2: Previously Reviewed, Not-Approved Themes
Priority #3: Never-Reviewed Themes
Priority #1: Currently Approved Themes
Priority #2: Tickets Older Than 2 Weeks
Priority #3: Previously Reviewed, Not-Approved Themes
Priority #4: Never-Reviewed Themes
- TEMPLATEPATH/STYLESHEETPATHの代わりに、get_template_directory()/get_stylesheet_directory()を使わなければならない
- admin-enqueued scripts/stylesheetsには、Theme-specific hookを使わなければならない
- headにwp_enqueue_script( ‘comment-reply’ )をハードコードする代わりに、comment-reply script コールバックを使わなければならない
&lt;?php function oenology_enqueue_comment_reply() { if ( is_singular() &amp;&amp; comments_open() &amp;&amp; get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' ); } } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'oenology_enqueue_comment_reply' ); ?&gt;
- jQueryは、コアに添付されたバージョンのjQuery UI and jQuery UI Pluginsを使わなければならない
- タイトルには、wp_title()のwp_titleフィルタフックまたは、pass argument to wp_title() (OPTIONALLY)を使わなければならない
- テーマは、関数や機能のために、function_exists()を使えない
- テーマは、適用可能なコピーライト ライセンス情報を宣言しなければならない
- 派生テーマは、オリジナルのコピーライト情報を保持 宣言しなければならない
- フッター クレジットリンク
- alt属性 title属性 リンクアンカーテキストは、ふさわしい文字でなければならない。
テーマ タグの変更
公式テーマ、レビューチケットのdescription の日本語化始まる。
Prefixing is not recommended for theme-mod names
otto42 [4:44 AM]
If you do happen to have a special and unusual case where you really need to read in a local file and there is no other way to do it, well, theme-check does not block `implode()` or `file()`.
$string= implode( '', file( 'example.txt' ) );
Maximum allowed file size: 25MB
a few small changes in the algorithm are being tested
User meta
User meta is handled the same way as post meta. Presentational meta (e.g., layout, colors, etc.) is allowed. Non-presentational (e.g., social links, profile image) is not allowed.
Basically, it all comes down to one of our top guidelines: The difference between generating and presenting content. WP itself and plugins are for generating content. Themes are for presenting content.
人気テーマのランキングが、週間ダウンロード数から Active Installs に変更になりました。
2 or 3 weeks ago some admins were ok with some social sharing links. just to be sure, is something like this allowed:
<a href=" get_permalink( ) . '">icon></a>
@superwinner: yes, that should be ok
when you’re doing more than that (sharing links) – like loading 3rd party JS, then it becomes plugin territory
this should be acceptable.
- CC0 – This is equivalent to a public domain declaration, essentially, compatible with everything, and we have always allowed it.
- CC-BY 4.0 – Compatible with any version of the GPL.
- CC-BY-SA 4.0 – Compatible with the GPLv3 only.
- Previous versions of CC licenses (like 3.0) – not compatible.
- Any CC license containing “NC” or “ND” terms – not compatible.
Plugin authors can now check for theme support and have a few new filters available that will allow them to change or replace the title in a reliable way:
- ‘pre_get_document_title’ short-circuits wp_get_document_title() if it returns anything other than an empty value.
- ‘document_title_separator’ filters the separator between title parts.
- ‘document_title_parts’ filters the parts that make up the document title, passed in an associative array.
- No shortcodes in HTML tags attributes.
- No HTML in shortcodes attributes.
superwinner [4:18 PM]
shouldn’t all themes using options frameworks convert to customizer? there was a grace period, 6 months, which ended in September… is that true?
jcastaneda [4:18 PM]
Oct/21 I believe
Automation here we come!
As a step towards automation we are going to approve all updates at least once a week.
If you guys have any questions, please don’t hesitate to post below!
Am I allowed to compress my css file on my theme for theme review?
there is no rule against compressed css, but it is advisable to include the uncompressed version for users. Compression makes things hard to modify, and the GPL is big on modification.
Theme Submission, Review, Approval, Update, Report Workflow
黒線 既存、赤線 自動アップデート
一週間ほど前から、自動アップデートが、twenty sixteen で始まる。
Twenty Sixteen nightly builds are automatically approved.
Please file any issues on https://github.com/WordPress/twentysixteen
Responsive Image Support for Core

- juanjavier1979 [7:01 AM]
- It’s listed as: _Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license_
- juanjavier1979 [7:01 AM]
- So I think it’s allowed
- emiluzelac [7:04 AM]
- So far we had only CC0 as compatible, Otto mentioned 4.0, but I am not sure how did we end up.
- otto42 [7:04 AM]
- CC-BY is allowed as it is compatible
- emiluzelac [7:05 AM]
- There you go, thanks!
- otto42 [7:05 AM]
- NonCommercial is not compatible, and not allowed
- tomusborne [4:21 AM]
- I’m all for keeping plugin territory functions out of themes, but I don’t really see why the widget_text filter is considered plugin territory? Can anyone explain? :simple_smile:add_filter”>’widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’; to be more specific
- otto42 [4:26 AM]
- Because enabling shortcodes in widgets is not something a theme should be doing. Themes are for changing the way your site looks. Enabling shortcodes isn’t part of that.
- tomusborne [4:28 AM]
- Interesting, I would have thought that enabling shortcodes in the theme’s widgets would have fallen under theme presentation. Hopefully a lot of plugins do this so I don’t end up with a bunch of angry theme users complaining that shortcodes are broken in the widgets when they update. Thanks for clarifying
2015/5/11 には、容認されたように見えたんですが、これでバッサリ
- rabmalin [1:58 AM]
- About text domain is `_` not allowed? I thought `-` and `_` was allowed in place of space. I guess I need to read Guideline few more times:sweat:
- …
- chipbennett [2:18 AM]
- @rabmalin: when referring specifically to `textdomain`, the Theme must use _exactly_ the theme slug “>which you can verify, by looking at the SVN link for the Theme, because of core reasons. So, for a Theme named _Say It Ain’t So_, the slug will be, exactly, `say-it-aint-so`.
nishasingh [1:37 PM] ohh, Please check this ticket
nishasingh [1:37 PM]author used japanese text for code commentnishasingh [1:38 PM]Is this correct?benlumia007 [1:39 PM]checkingbenlumia007 [1:42 PM]@nishasingh: I don’t see any problems having comments in another language, you might want to double check with the admins tho. (edited)nishasingh [1:43 PM]ok, Thanks @benlumia007benlumia007 [1:43 PM]i would say is recommended in englishnishasingh [1:44 PM]Yes, english facing text will comfortable for all userbenlumia007 [1:44 PM]yeskevinhaig [1:45 PM]@poena you there?poena [1:46 PM]hikevinhaig [1:46 PM]can you help with ^^…
poena [1:46 PM]not an admin but I think it is allowed. < – was for japanese (edited)kevinhaig [1:47 PM]OK
コメントには、日本語を使ってもいい みたいな
otto42 [5:34 AM]
BTW, this is incorrect:`'default' => get_theme_mod( 'body_color', '#ffffff' ), // change the default to the correct color`otto42 [5:34 AM]
The default should be a default, not the current value
The second item on the agenda was a discussion of allowable content creation for Themes, per the presentation-vs-functionality requirement. Based on that discussion, the following types of content creation are allowable for Themes, as they represent trivial user content:
- Site footer text
- Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons/widgets
- One-off descriptive content blocks (about us/profile/etc.)
- Custom presentation of existing user data, with trivial content additions such as a widget/content block with a static page link, custom icon, custom title/description)
- サイトのフッターテキスト、
- ランディングページへのリンクボタン・ウィジェット
- アバウト アス / プロファイル 等の ちょっとした コンテンツブロック
- ユーザーデータに基づく独自表現 些細なコンテンツの追加 ウィジェットやブロックへのリンクやアイコン
No consensus was reached regarding repeatable-field content (testimonials, services, team members, etc.). We will have a follow-up blog post to discuss this type of content specifically.
実際のテーマの例では、Zerif Liteを参照するとがわかりやすいと思う。
irenem [3:55 AM]
Is a theme allowed to call do_shortcode?
grapplerulrich [3:57 AM]
Yes ^
jcastaneda [4:03 AM]
it just can’t `add_shortcode`
greenshady [4:06 AM]
Yes, can call `do_shortcode()` but many times they really shouldn’t. This is a good example: `do_shortcode( $some_content );` This is a bad example `do_shortcode( ‘[some-shortcode]’ );`. The second example is “bad” because what’s the point of using the shortcode? Just call the function directly.
greenshady [4:08 AM]
Instead of `do_shortcode( ‘[some_shortcode]’ );` call `some_shortcode_function()` instead. No need for all the shortcode parsing. (edited)
一時期 do_shortcodeは、プラグインテリトリとされていました。しかし、現時点では、容認されるようになったようです。
add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode' );
Plugin territory:
add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);
Setting live based on diff.
On next update, remove:
add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);
This is plugin territory.
chipbennett [6:14 AM]
@sam, no: `singular.php` would be the fallback for both `single.php` and `page.php`
修正方法は、これらの関数の返り値をエスケープすることです。ページにURLとして出力する場合は esc_url() で、リダイレクトする場合などHTTPヘッダに含める場合は esc_url_raw() を使用します。例外はありません。
ところで、esc_url() と、esc_url_raw()の違いは何か
wp_kses_normalize_entities()で、& を &に置換&を&に ’ を'に置換する。esc_url_raw()は、この置換置換の工程が省かれる データベースにURLを保存するような場合に使う。
echo ''. __( 'WordPress ', 'iograficathemes' ) .get_queried_object()->name. '
';iografica [1:49 AM]
is correct in this way?iografica [1:50 AM]
it is a custom taxonomy
@iografica: No, that’s incorrect. You should be using
single_term_title(), single_cat_title(), or single_tag_title(),depending on which taxonomy it is.
greenshady [1:53 AM]
It’s not “technically” incorrect, but you should always use the most appropriate function for the job.
私見ですが、ヘッダーの wp_generator() 等をエンドユーザーが非表示に設定したりする事は、よくある事で、そのこと自体がよくないという意味ではなく、
テーマ制作の過程で、このような処理をしてしまうと、エンドユーザーが存在するはずのフックに対して何かしようとした時に、出来なくなってしまう等の事態が容易に考えられるため、テーマでは、調整や削除をしないほうが、エンドユーザーを困惑させずに済む という事だろうと考えています。
Removing or modifying non-presentational core hooks. Found in init.php file.
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');
Please remove following block from functions.php
function remove_header_info() { remove_action('wp_head', 'rsd_link'); remove_action('wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link'); remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator'); remove_action('wp_head', 'start_post_rel_link'); remove_action('wp_head', 'index_rel_link'); remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link');// for WordPress < 3.0 remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head'); // for WordPress >= 3.0 } add_action('init', 'remove_header_info');Removing or modifying non-presentational core hooks falls under plugin territory.
Shouldn’t include admin/feature pointers.
$html = '<h1>hello world hello world hello world hello world </h1>'; $html .= '<h1>hello world hello world hello world hello world </h1>'; $esc_html = esc_html( $html ); $textarea_html = esc_textarea( $html ); printf( '<div><textarea style="width:640px;height:100px;">%1$s</textarea></div>', $esc_html ); printf( '<div><textarea style="width:640px;height:100px;">%1$s</textarea></div>', $textarea_html );
The wp_filter_nohtml_kses(), wp_strip_all_tags(), or equivalent function must be used to sanitize the data before it’s saved into the database.
The edit_theme_options capability is required (like all theme options).
kevinhaig [3:26 AM] @greenshady I know your post says otherwise but is wp_kses_post() adequate sanitization for css boxes, given we accept for textarea boxes? superwinner [3:31 AM] can you sanitize css with kses :simple_smile:? jcastaneda [3:35 AM] Jetpack uses `wp_kses_split` for it. kevinhaig [3:35 AM] well I think it is an issue of whether it is secure doing it that way kevinhaig [3:36 AM] @greenshady: recommends `wp_filter_nohtml_kses()` or `wp_strip_all_tags()` kevinhaig [3:37 AM] but many authors push their textareas through wp_kses_post() kevinhaig [3:39 AM] I realize wp_kses_post() is good for html allowed textarea boxes. So really what is the difference in a css box....end use?
- https://make.wordpress.org/themes/2014/12/02/theme-review-team-weekly-notes-this-week-we/#comments(Comments_template is required.New clarification
Comments.php will remain not required.)
*reduxframework は、使っちゃいけません
Redux framework is using trackers/phoning home and we do not allow that.
For additional information please see this discussion.
Sorry, we have no choice but to suspend your theme from directory. Please remove the trackers and resubmit once they are no longer part of the theme.
Once the new version is in, inform the reviewer that your theme needs to be unsuspended, which needs to be done manually.
*Post Format Metaboxの禁止
Post Format Metaboxは、投稿フォーマットに付加的なフィールドを追加するもので、従来認められていたようですが、最近明確に禁止され始めている模様
理由は、presentation vs functionality で、テーマを変更した場合に、付加情報が失われてしまうため テーマ特有の付加機能は認めないという従来の基本的な方針(例えば、カスタム投稿タイプや、ページにカテゴリを追加するといった機能、投稿本文で使用するショートコード)が、Post Format Metaboxに対しても適用されることになった
- What is difference between get_bloginfo”>’url’ and get_site_url()?
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 19:08:05 +0530
From: Akhlesh Nagar <akhlesh.nagar04@gmail.com>
To: theme-reviewers@lists.
wordpress.org Subject: [theme-reviewers] Use home_url instead of get_bloginfo(?url?)
vM2J34vF87FUs64h5nGMKPTingkPyV +khOVqMsg@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”utf-8″
I am reviewing a theme .
I want to know the Reason why it is necessary to use home_url instead of
get_bloginfo(?url?) .
(While both give same output).
Kindly explain reason .
- –
Thank’s and Regard’s*
Akhlesh Nagar*
- next part ————–
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- Unit Test
Message: 6
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:23:55 -0500
From: Emil Uzelac <emil@uzelac.me>
To: “Discussion list for WordPress theme reviewers.”
wordpress.org> Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Theme Unit Tests on GitHub?
qnSAjypq6Yo9_kVKZW8LO2d5u=KtZE TLA@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”utf-8″
Awesome and thanks. So guys should we push over to TRT GH or?
On Thursday, October 16, 2014, Lance Willett <nanobar@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here’s the checklist for preparing a new XML file, next time you need to
> do it.
> Often when I get the new XML file from
> http://wpthemetestdata.
wordpress.com/ it needs a bit of massaging > before commit to our pub repo.
> Here?s the process
> 1. WPTRT admins make changes to the test site on WP.com.
> 2. Go to http://wpthemetestdata.
wordpress.com/ and export the full XML > file, and open it locally in a text editor.
> 3. Clean it up.
> 4. Diff it with the previous version to be sure of no weird changes or
> additions, other than the expected ones.
> 5. Push to GitHub.
> 6. Go to http://codex.wordpress.org/
Theme_Unit_Test, edit the page, > change the UTC timestamp to ?now? to show the most current update
> timestamp. **You can stop doing this probably since GitHub will have a
> history going forward.**
> Notes for the XML clean up, step 3.
> Remove the following metadata elements that are specific to WP.com.
> superawesome
> _edit_last
> email_notification
> _searchme
> jabber_published
> geo_public
> _elasticsearch_indexed_on
> I look for these patterns using a text editor like TextMate or Sublime
> Text, with regex search turned on:
> 1. https://gist.github.com/
lancewillett/ a7c849026e2e403399a0 > 2. https://gist.github.com/
lancewillett/ 127085c444ec6ff398d1 >
> Then search/replace with an empty string to remove from the XML file.
> It’s not end of the world if they make it into the Unit Test XML file,
> but it’s just clutter.
> ? Lance
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Lance Willett <nanobar@gmail.com
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > The history of the file changes is public, it’s part of our WP.com
> > public themes SVN repo.
> >
> > You can see the history by doing something like:
> > svn log
> https://wpcom-themes.svn.
automattic.com/demo/theme- unit-test-data.xml > >
> > I’m totally happy for the file to move to GitHub. If WPTRT has an
> > account and you’d like to maintain it going forward?please just grab
> > the latest copy and start from there; I don’t need to do anything
> > further.
> >
> > Then edit the Codex page at http://codex.wordpress.org/
Theme_Unit_Test > > to point to the GitHub repo instead of the SVN repo.
> >
> > Done. 🙂
> >
> > ? Lance
> ______________________________
_________________ > theme-reviewers mailing list
> theme-reviewers@lists.
wordpress.org <javascript:;> > http://lists.wordpress.org/
mailman/listinfo/theme- reviewers >
- next part ————–
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Subject: Digest Footer
_________________ theme-reviewers mailing list
2014/9/18 アクセシビリティガイドライン改定
1. CSS validation in parent themes (Stephen Harrington)
2. Re: CSS validation in parent themes (Justin Tadlock)
I am curious about the protocol we are supposed to follow when reviewing
child themes and there are validation errors in the parent theme. Thanks.
I wouldn’t be too concerned about CSS/HTML validation errors unless it’s a
critical thing like a missing “ or something like that.
2. Re: CSS validation in parent themes (Chip Bennett)
HTML/CSS validation isn’t even something that I’ve included in Theme
reviews in a very long time.
Stephen Harrington
Good to know. I have been checking because it is still listed in the
documentation but I will skip that from here on out. Thanks.
Unit Test 更新
Grab your copy from http://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Unit_Test
iTunes link removal
The official music video of “Rise Up” from Eddy’s
Uproar! EP”Start AnUproar! EP.
Replacement video
Span removal
Added several emptyto make the table full width and removal of
special characters in title, not really needed there:
Post format unicorn and danger image replaced with public domain image:
- next part ————–
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Hello everyone! This is my first time reviewing a theme here, so I have a question... On the theme I'm reviewing I have a ticket where the theme author is using hybrid as a base for his own theme. Hybrid however uses shortcodes since it was published when these were allowed (at least I think so). Do we allow shortcodes to themes that are based on frameworks already published on .org?
Shortcodes intended to be used in post content (i.e. shortcodes added to the post editor) are not allowed, ever. Shortcodes used elsewhere (such as for configuring the site footer, which IIRC is how Hybrid uses shortcodes) is fine. The determining factor is the intended use of the shortcodes, as defined by the Theme.
2014 / 6 /14
Message: 4
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 00:55:33 +0600
From: Imon Themes
To: theme-reviewers@lists.wordpress.org
Subject: [theme-reviewers] Featured theme
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”utf-8″
How WordPress admin select featured theme ?
1) randomly ?
2) which themes are like by WordPress admin ?
3) toss the themes name 🙂
Imon Themes
- next part ————–
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Message: 7
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 14:53:51 -0500
From: Emil Uzelac
To: “Discussion list for WordPress theme reviewers.”
Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Featured theme
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”utf-8″There is no link and there are no guidelines.In the future Themes will be selected by the system and in a random order.
Till then, we will feature what looks interesting and probably switch them
every 15-30 days
depending on the free time we have.
We went over this like month ago and there we are again 🙂
P.S. For every question there is an answer right here:
*jQuery Masonry
Important information for anyone using core-bundled jQuery Masonry, regarding changes to the masonry version as well as the registered handle for the core-bundled script:
The new script handle is ‘masonry’. The old ‘jquery-masonry’ handle is the official shiv that sits on top of the v3 library. While v3 no longer depends on jQuery, a theme or plugin may have bee
n implicitly loading jQuery though Masonry, rather than additionally declaring it as a dependency for themselves. Thus, the shiv is separate.
Themes should switch to ‘masonry’ and declare jQuery as a dependency on their own if they need it. Upgrade guide: http://masonry.desandro.com/appendix.html#upgrading-from-v2. imagesLoaded remai
ns included with Masonry here.
theme-reviewers Digest, Vol 45, Issue 83
WordPress3.9 ガイドライン情報
WordPress 3.9 Guidelines Revisions Proposal
- screenshot.pngのサイズが、600×450から、880x660pxに変更になりました。
- 以下のタグが追加になりました
- fixed-layout
- fluid-layout
- responsive-layout
- accessibility-ready
Themes are required to prefix all options, custom functions, custom variables, and custom constants with theme-slug (or appropriate variant).
Message: 3
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2013 01:24:26 +0530
From: Rohit Tripathi
To: Theme Review Team
Subject: [theme-reviewers] Sanitizing OutputHello.
I am using Options Framework with my theme. I have properly sanitized all input using all the necessary functions including wp_kses.
Is it neccessary to sanitize it on the output?
Message: 6
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2013 16:18:09 -0400
From: Chip Bennett
To: “Discussion list for WordPress theme reviewers.”
Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Sanitizing OutputThe general rule is: sanitize on input, escape on output.
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 15:35:31 -0500
From: Justin Tadlock
To: theme-reviewers@lists.wordpress.org
Subject: Re: [theme-reviewers] Sanitizing OutputI was just about to say the same thing. If you need a good example of
how to sanitize this based on the `unfiltered_html` cap, check out the
WordPress text widget in `wp-includes/default-widgets.php`.
具体的な、ガイドラインは、Make WordPressに移行しました。
Note: This is an evolving living document and subject to change and addition at any time as the WordPress Theme Review Team continues to develop and outline standards and practices for WordPress Theme development and design.
- Headings
- Heading markup must NOT be used for presentational purposes.
- Link_Text
- Links MUST avoid repetitive non-contextual text strings such as ‘read more…’ and should also also make sense when taken out of context.
- Keyboard_Navigation
- Contrasts
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 for color luminosity.
- Skip Links
- Forms
- Tools
- Not Allowed
- Correct Spelling of WordPress
WordPress3.51 (?)
Theme Namespacing
- Themes are
to use
(or a reasonable facsimile) as textdomain for translation- Themes are
to use a unique slug as a prefix for anything in the public namespace, including all custom function names, classes, hooks, public/global variables, database entries (Theme options, post custom metadata, etc.)
- Themes are
to use
as this unique slug
The exact use-case that query_posts() was designed for: using a custom page template as an archive of posts:
Just call query_posts() at the very beginning and pretend it’s an arhive. query_posts() takes care of completely replacing the main query and the effect is limited to that custom page template.
You don’t have to do any workarounds for conditional flags or for pagination.
WordPress 3.4
Functions added in WordPress 3.4
Dear #WordPress Theme developers, time to discuss #WPTRT Theme Review Guidelines revisions for the 3.4 release: bit.ly/Jbu9qP
— Chip Bennettさん (@chip_bennett) 5月 8, 2012
WordPress 3.3
Priority #1: Currently Approved Themes
Priority #2: Previously Reviewed, Not-Approved Themes
Priority #3: Never-Reviewed Themes
Priority #1: Currently Approved Themes
Priority #2: Tickets Older Than 2 Weeks
Priority #3: Previously Reviewed, Not-Approved Themes
Priority #4: Never-Reviewed Themes
- TEMPLATEPATH/STYLESHEETPATHの代わりに、get_template_directory()/get_stylesheet_directory()を使わなければならない
- admin-enqueued scripts/stylesheetsには、Theme-specific hookを使わなければならない
- headにwp_enqueue_script( ‘comment-reply’ )をハードコードする代わりに、comment-reply script コールバックを使わなければならない
&lt;?php function oenology_enqueue_comment_reply() { if ( is_singular() &amp;&amp; comments_open() &amp;&amp; get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' ); } } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'oenology_enqueue_comment_reply' ); ?&gt;
- jQueryは、コアに添付されたバージョンのjQuery UI and jQuery UI Pluginsを使わなければならない
- タイトルには、wp_title()のwp_titleフィルタフックまたは、pass argument to wp_title() (OPTIONALLY)を使わなければならない
- テーマは、関数や機能のために、function_exists()を使えない
- テーマは、適用可能なコピーライト ライセンス情報を宣言しなければならない
- 派生テーマは、オリジナルのコピーライト情報を保持 宣言しなければならない
- フッター クレジットリンク
- alt属性 title属性 リンクアンカーテキストは、ふさわしい文字でなければならない。
- テーマは、 TimThumbを利用する事が出来ない
- Internationalization:
Themes are REQUIRED to use a string, rather than a variable, constant, or concatenation, as the textdomain in translation functions.
- テーマの複製はしてはならない、WEBサイト以外の場合は、ケースバイケース
- Theme Settings and Data Security
- Credit Links
- テーマは、 TimThumbを利用する事が出来ない
- Internationalization:
Themes are REQUIRED to use a string, rather than a variable, constant, or concatenation, as the textdomain in translation functions.
- テーマの複製はしてはならない、WEBサイト以外の場合は、ケースバイケース
- Theme Settings and Data Security
- Credit Links
Redux framework is using trackers/phoning home and we do not allow that.
For additional information please see this discussion.
Sorry, we have no choice but to suspend your theme from directory. Please remove the trackers and resubmit once they are no longer part of the theme.
Once the new version is in, inform the reviewer that your theme needs to be unsuspended, which needs to be done manually.