block pattern

  • Buttons: Patterns that contain buttons and call to actions.
  • Columns: Multi-column patterns with more complex layouts.
  • Featured: A set of high quality curated patterns.
  • Gallery: Different layouts for displaying images.
  • Text: Patterns containing mostly text.
  • Header: Removed in WordPress 6.2
  • Query: Removed in WordPress 6.2

New block pattern categories in WordPress 6.2

  • About: Introduce yourself,
  • Call to action: Sections whose purpose is to trigger a specific action. Use as call-to-action.
  • Contact: Display your contact information.
  • Footers: A variety of footer designs displaying information and site navigation.
  • Headers: A variety of header designs displaying your site title and navigation. Replaces the old header category.
  • Media: Different layouts containing video or audio.
  • Portfolio: Showcase your latest work.
  • Posts: Display your latest posts in lists, grids or other layouts. Replaces to old query category.
  • Services: Briefly describe what your business does and how you can help.
  • Team: A variety of designs to display your team members.
  • Testimonials: Share reviews and feedback about your brand/business.

You can register categories with the help of register_block_pattern_category.
The function uses three properties:

  • slug: The unique identifier (in the example below, the slug is, “forms”).
  • label: The visible name in the editor.
  • description: The category description, new in WordPress 6.2


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