/** * Content sectioning */ h1{ } h2{ } h3{ } h4{ } h5{ } h6{ } address{ } aside{ } footer{ } header{ } nav{ } section{ } /** * Text content */ blockquote{ } dd{ } dir{ } div{ } dl{ } dt{ } figcaption{ } figure{ } hr{ } li{ } main{ } ol{ } p{ } pre{ } ul{ } /** * Inline text semantics */ a{ } abbr{ } b{ } bdi{ } bdo{ } br{ } cite{ } code{ } data{ } dfn{ } em{ } i{ } kbd{ } mark{ } nobr{ } q{ } rp{ } rt{ } rtc{ } ruby{ } s{ } samp{ } small{ } span{ } strong{ } sub{ } sup{ } time{ } tt{ } u{ } var{ } wbr{ } /** * Image and multimedia */ area{ } audio{ } img{ } map{ } track{ } video{ } /** * Embedded content */ applet{ } embed{ } noembed{ } object{ } param{ } picture{ } source{ } /** * Demarcating edits */ del{ } ins{ } /** * Table content */ caption{ } col{ } colgroup{ } table{ } tbody{ } td{ } tfoot{ } th{ } thead{ } tr{ } Forms{ } /** * Forms */ button{ } datalist{ } fieldset{ } form{ } input{ } label{ } legend{ } meter{ } optgroup{ } option{ } output{ } progress{ } select{ } textarea{ } /** * Form type attribute */ [type="button"]{ } [type="checkbox"]{ } [type="color"]{ } [type="date"]{ } [type="datetime-local"]{ } [type="email"]{ } [type="file"]{ } [type="hidden"]{ } [type="image"]{ } [type="month"]{ } [type="number"]{ } [type="password"]{ } [type="Note"]{ } [type="radio"]{ } [type="range"]{ } [type="reset"]{ } [type="search"]{ } [type="submit"]{ } [type="tel"]{ } [type="text"]{ } [type="time"]{ } [type="url"]{ } [type="week"]{ } [type="datetime"]{ }
WordPress Core body_class()とpost_class()が出力するクラス一覧
/** * Core body class */ /* static */ .rtl { /* # Checks if current locale is RTL (Right To Left script). */ } .home { /* # Depends on the site’s “Front page displays” Reading Settings ‘show_on_front’ and ‘page_on_front’. \n If you set a static page for the front page of your site, this function will return true when viewing that page. */ } .blog { /* # Add if blog view homepage, otherwise false. */ } .archive { /* For # Month, Year, Category, Author, Post Type archive */ } .date { /* # For date archive */ } .search { /* # For search */ } .search-results { /* # If found posts in search result */ } .search-no-results { /* # If NOT found any posts in search result */ } .paged { /* # On paged result and not for the first page */ } .attachment { /* # On attachment page */ } .error404 { /* # On 404 page */ } .single { /* # Add for any post type, except {attachments} and {pages} */ } .single-format-standard { /* # standard post format */ } .post-type-archive { /* # post type archive page */ } .author { /* # author page */ } .category { /* # category page */ } .tag { /* # Tags page */ } .page { /* # existing single page */ } .page-parent { /* # Parent page only */ } .page-child { /* # Child page only */ } .page-template { /* # Page templates only */ } .page-template-default { /* # Default page templates only */ } .logged-in { /* # Logged in user */ } .admin-bar { /* # Only in admin bar */ } .no-customize-support { /* # Only in admin bar */ } .custom-background { /* # If theme support 'custom-background' or get_background_image() */ } .wp-custom-logo { /* # If the site has a custom logo. */ } /* dinamic */ /** * .single-[sanitize_html_class($post->post_type, $post_id)] */ /** * .postid-[$post_id] */ /** * .single-format-[sanitize_html_class( $post_format )] */ /** * .attachmentid-[$post_id] */ /** * .attachment-[str_replace( $mime_prefix, '', $mime_type )] */ /** * .post-type-archive-[sanitize_html_class( $post_type )] */ /** * .author-[sanitize_html_class( $author->user_nicename, $author->ID )] */ /** * .author-[$author->ID] */ /** * .category-[$cat_class] */ /** * .category-[$cat->term_id] */ /** * .tag-[$tag_class] */ /** * .tag-[$tag->term_id] */ /** * .tax-[sanitize_html_class( $term->taxonomy )] */ /** * .term-[$term_class] */ /** * .term-[$term->term_id] */ /** * .page-id-[$page_id] */ /** * .parent-pageid-[$post->post_parent] */ /** * .page-template-[sanitize_html_class( str_replace( array( '.', '/' ), '-', basename( $part, '.php' ) ) )] */ /** * .page-template-[sanitize_html_class( str_replace( '.', '-', $template_slug ) )] */ /** * .paged-[$page] */ /** * .single-paged-[$page] */ /** * .page-paged-[$page] */ /** * .category-paged-[$page] */ /** * .tag-paged-[$page] */ /** * .date-paged-[$page] */ /** * .author-paged-[$page] */ /** * .search-paged-[$page] */ /** * .post-type-paged-[$page] */ /** * Core post class */ /** * post-[ID] */ /** * [post_type] */ /** * type-[post_type] */ /** * status-[post_status] */ /** * format-[post_format] */ /** * hentry */ /** * category-[slu> g */関連
necolas/normalize.css: A modern alternative to CSS resets
extractCSS - htmlから、クラス id を抽出するサービス
OneClickCSS - htmlから、クラス id を抽出するサービスPhoto by Marvin Ronsdorf on Unsplash